07. CODE: The Node Class

The Node Class

The Model::Node class that exists in the current code doesn't contain all the data that would be needed to perfom an A* search. In order to perform a search, it would be ideal for each node to contain at least the following information:

  • The g-value for the node.
  • The h-value for the node.
  • A boolean to indicate if the node has been visited.
  • A pointer to the node's parent.

In this exercise, you will fill out the RouteModel::Node class in route_model.h, which will extend the Model::Node class so that the data above, along with a few other useful variables, can be included with each node. Note that the RouteModel::Node class already has the following private variables:

  • An int index.
  • A pointer to a RouteModel object named parent_model. This variable is important, as it allows each node to access data stored in the parent model that the node belongs to.

To complete this exercise:

  1. Add the following public variables to the RouteModel::Node class:
    • A Node pointer parent, which is initialized to a nullptr.
    • A float h_value, which is initialized to the maximum possible: std::numeric_limits<float>::max().
    • A float g_value, which is initialized to 0.0.
    • A bool visited, which is initialized to false.
    • A vector of Node pointers named neighbors.


This section contains either a workspace (it can be a Jupyter Notebook workspace or an online code editor work space, etc.) and it cannot be automatically downloaded to be generated here. Please access the classroom with your account and manually download the workspace to your local machine. Note that for some courses, Udacity upload the workspace files onto https://github.com/udacity, so you may be able to download them there.

Workspace Information:

  • Default file path:
  • Workspace type: react
  • Opened files (when workspace is loaded): n/a
  • userCode:

    export CXX=g++-7
    export CXXFLAGS=-std=c++17
    cmake_tests() {
    /usr/local/bin/cmake -DTESTING="RMNodeClass" "$1"
    export -f cmake_tests


The Node Class